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Achilles' heel of Holland: challenge to the pedophile Erik van Beek; Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 36-3, september 2012 Summary The current grim atmosphere toward pedophiles and pedosexuals has led to increasing polarisation between various groups in society. However, as I try to point out, a present shift within the pedophile subculture might enable
to reconsider their points of view. This topic appears to be linked to a wider cultural problem in western (Dutch) society: the urge or fixation for a riskless society, in a "utopia of security", which severely restricts social interactions between citizens in general and between minorities in particlular. The question whether pedophilia should be considered a disorder/ disease or a sexual orientation, is discussed. Some existing gaps between the current DSM-IV-TR classification and the coming DSM-5 in defining pedo[-hebe-]philia are considered. Alternative ways of regulating pedophile desire and arousal are discussed. |